miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

Topic: “What are the effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class.”
Today’s class we studied an example of how to work with our research project, we had an example of Description of the problem or Project, objectives, justification and about the target population of this topic.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM: What are the symptoms or indicators?
A virtual classroom is an online learning environment; nowadays the use of virtual classroom has become an important tool for different academic institutions. Teachers use virtual classrooms as platforms to fully online courses that in some way it is very important to incorporate in classes because a traditional classroom teaching methodologies are well tested, and environment most of us grew up in, but they have some major limitations. Virtual classrooms, on the other hand, are new and high tech.

In these sites teachers and students collaborate online via audio, video, and text chat it is easier to work with different learner types. Divide a single virtual classroom into breakout sessions, and let students of different levels work at their own pace, while the teacher moderates and facilitates.
OBJECTIVES: It’s important to identify what do we want to know, to accomplish, to understand and to achieve.
·         To recognize the different positive effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class.

·         To identify the most common positive effects that teachers perceive when using a virtual classrooms in a regular face-to-face English class.
Justification: (Reasons, Benefits, Relevance)
The positive effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class is a very helpful tool because teachers/ students can get new knowledge, besides this technological tools help teachers to make online evaluations and to create some sections that can improve de foreign language such as articles, practice skills, evaluations, interactive games along with others.
There are some important benefits of using virtual classroom in a regular face to face class and some of them to prove in this project are:
·         Language and critical thinking skills students’ development

·         Virtual classroom Accessibility via internet 24/7 for students

·         Teacher-student’s content receipt and communication resources.
Target Population
As professionals we want confirm the reasons why teachers are applying in face to face English classes as virtual resources, the main idea of this research is to know how teachers are introducing new topics and developing the different activities by introducing students in virtual classes.
There are different areas or sections where we are going to develop the target population to be able to understand why teachers are using virtual classes.

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