lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Research questions and more MAPs


Michael Lewis claims that students should be allowed to Observe (read or listen to language) which will then provoke them to Hypothesize about how the language works before going on to the Experiment on the basis of that hypothesis.
In his own teaching design, Lewis proposes a model that comprises the steps, Observe-Hypothesize-Experiment, as opposed to the traditional Present-Practice –Produce paradigm. Unfortunately, Lewis does not lay out any instructional sequences exemplifying how he thinks this procedure might operate in actual language classrooms.

The e5 Instructional Model is a reference point for school leaders and teachers to develop a deeper understanding of what constitutes high quality teacher practice in the classroom. The model consists of five domains:
1. Engage
2. Explore
3. Explain  
4. Elaborate
5. Evaluate                          

 It has lexically based theory of language
 It doesn´t have any certain learning theory
 It is an alternative approach
It focuses on words and word combinations
Grammar and lexis are the heart of learning
It aims to teach vocabulary within grammar
Teachers help learners to discover knowledge instead of giving it directly


Quantitative Question Types

Quantitative research is typically used to determine how, what, when, and where. Questionnaires for quant research are in many ways easier to develop than qual, as once you determine what you need to learn, incorporating those questions into multiple choice, single-select, grid questions, and so on, is more intuitive. Because it’s gathering larger data sets of answers, quantitative methodologies include research questions that are typically more specific:

  1. Descriptive Questions: Seek to describe the concept or topic in question. An example of this type would be understanding the usage of a product like the frequency, time of day, the purpose of use, etc.
  2. Comparative Questions: Used to analyze the difference between two groups, concepts, or other variables. Examples of these types of questions include comparing the frequency of use between two products, men versus women’s preference for brands, etc.
  3. Relationship-Based Questions: Or in some cases causal-based— these questions work to understand how one variable influences another, like how color influences the desire to purchase a particular product.

Qualitative Question Types
Qualitative research is less quantifiable in nature and focuses more on discovering, understanding, and exploring meaning when it comes to an objective. Qual research questions are less direct and far vaguer in nature:

  1. Exploratory Questions: Similar to descriptive questions in quant research, this form of question looks to understand something— without influencing the results with preconceived notions. For example, asking how a product is used or perceptions around a certain topic are two types of exploratory questions.
  2. Predictive Questions: As the name entails, these questions seek to understand the intent or future outcome surrounding a topic or action. An example of this type of question would include asking why a consumer behaves in a certain why or how they’d feel if a certain situation were to take place.
  3. Interpretive Questions: Look to gather feedback on a certain topic or concept without influencing the outcome. For example, testing new product concepts and understanding how messaging claims are interpreted would fall under this type.

Well written questions, regardless of the methodology, provide an easy to understand outlet for respondents to provide their answers. They should not only answer objectives but also identify problems and opportunities. The types of questions above can be used to guide the objectives and the key question of the research or be implemented throughout a questionnaire in order to provide the most relevant insights.

 Watch the video recommended to understand qualitative research questions:

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