lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

The positive efects of using virtual classroom as a repository to support a face to face english teaching class at UTEC

The positive efects of using virtual classroom as a repository to support a face to face english teaching class at UTEC

A well-maintained virtual class should enable students of all learning styles to receive the best possible education, in a way that they may not in an exclusively lecture-based environment which tends to be focused on auditory learners only. If the resources on a virtual classroom do not cater to the needs of the students both in terms of their format (text files, audio files, videos etc.) and their content the Virtual classroom is effectively rendered useless as it does not add to the students’ learning experience. It should contain just enough information to allow students to reinforce their work in lectures and gain a broader and deeper understanding of the subject, preferably through a range of presentational styles.

Resultado de imagen para positive effects of using a virtual classroom

as you can see there are many positive effects based on researchs made by students in different áreas

Resultado de imagen para positive effects of using a virtual classroom

Traditionally, the school has been the place where learners and teachers meet each other day for the purposes of instilling knowledge. However, with the advent of computer technologies in the early 1990s, many products and solutions have been developed to fully exploit the internet. Since then, virtual learning environments  have emerged to supporting teaching and learning activities across the internet. These days, we have something called the virtual classroom

Resultado de imagen para advantages and disadvantages a virtual classroom

there are different steps to create a virtual classroom

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